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ConflictWatch Philippines Feed was generated at Eastern Asia ConflictWatch.

Monday, 12 June


Apocalypse Lunchtime "IndyWatch Feed"

Has our species been trained now not to react to catastrophic danger or even extra super weirdness?

And do we know what really happened on Wednesday in New York City?

Last Wednesday I was in Brooklyn, New York, at about ten am. I had stayed in the borough overnight, as I was preparing to meet a lawyer in Manhattan.

My stay had already become 21st Century-dystopian, as I had foolishly booked myself at the trendy/discounted hotel, Sonder the Industrialist. It turned out that the management has turned physical hotels into a dehumanized data harvesting operation. I arrived at night in an Uber to find myself alone in an industrialized area, with a dying phone, and all the restaurants closing; at which point the app informed me that there was to be no human being to receive me in the lobby, so I had to phone a call center in the Philippines in order to set up my account, and then that I must provide an array of invasive private information before I would be granted the code to enter the building.

I followed other exasperated tourists into the lobby, hoping to bypass the data harvesting, but was told by the sweet, sad security person at the front desk that he had no powers whatsoever, that there was no key to give me at all, and that I had to finish completing my account and checking in online before I could hope to get to my longed-for room.

This process included a full-on, turn-your-head-right-and-left, biometric facial scan, which in the Brave New World of digital coercion, it was too late for me to decline, if I was going to get anywhere safe to sleep. The lockdown model for forcibly extracting digital information and behavioral compliance before allowing anyone anything decently human had taken over yet another former civilized experience checking into a hotel after a journey in yet another formerly human space.

I could not manage to update the settings on my camera effectively to allow the app to data-harvest my drivers license, so a tall, equally exhausted Swedish businessman loomed into my personal space in order to help me, thus inadvertently seeing not only all my biometric information and the purpose of my trip, but also my room entry access code and my room number. The app thus having entirely compromised my security as well as having harvested critical personal information against my will, I fled to my room at last, reminding myself uneasily to bolt the door.

The next morning, though, was cheery; cool and bright; partly sunny. There was a faint haze, and a distant smell of wood smoke, as when leaves are burning in autumn.

I got into an Uber to head into Manhattan.

Suddenly in the proverbial blink of an eye the almost-clear day turned dead-grey all around us, wi...


Saudi Arabia announces huge investment deals at Arab-China summit "IndyWatch Feed War"

Saudi Arabia announces huge investment deals at Arab-China summit

Deals came amid growing commercial and diplomatic ties between Beijing and Middle Eastern countries, including recent Chinese-brokered rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia
MEE and agencies Sun, 06/11/2023 - 22:53
Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan al-Saud (R) and Hu Chunhu of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference at the 10th Arab-China business conference in Riyadh, 11 June 2023 (AFP)

Saudi Arabia announced on Sunday billions of dollars in investment deals between China and the Arab world, on the first day of the China-Arab business conference in Riyadh.

The meeting came amid growing commercial and diplomatic ties between Beijing and Middle Eastern countries, including a recent landmark Chinese-brokered rapprochement between powerhouses Iran and Saudi Arabia that has shifted regional relations.

The oil-rich kingdom is hosting the conference, now in its 10th edition, for the first time. Over two days, it will bring together more than 3,500 government and business officials from China and Arab countries, the Saudi investment ministry said in a statement.

The event "marked its first day with the signing of $10bn in investment agreements", the statement said - the vast majority of which are for projects in Saudi Arabia or by Saudi firms and government entities.

This figure includes a $5.6bn memorandum of understanding between the Saudi investment ministry and Human Horizons, a Chinese maker of electric and self-driving cars.



Staatsanwaltschaft Kln scheitert am Amtsgericht Jlich ... "IndyWatch Feed Europe"

Staatsanwaltschaft Kln scheitert am Amtsgericht Jlich mit Anklage. Die Anklage war gegen einen Typen, der eine Sicherheitslcke gefunden und dem Hersteller gemeldet hat.

Stellt sich raus, dass der Hersteller da Credentials hardcodet hatte. Aber natrlich wollten sie das Ausma ihres umfassenden Monumentalversagens nicht zugeben, also haben sie den guten Samariter angezeigt, der die Lcke nicht an die Russenmafia verkauft sondern ihnen gemeldet hatte.

So und jetzt das Erdbeben an der Nummer:

Es liege keine Straftat vor, da die Daten, auf die der Sicherheitsexperte im Zuge seiner Untersuchungen Zugriff hatte, nicht effektiv geschtzt gewesen sein, so die Richter in Jlich.
Ja, klar waren sie das nicht, sonst htte er sie ja nicht sehen knnen.

Aber wenn man das einmal so sieht, kann man den Hackerparagraphen nie wieder fr das Ausnutzen von Sicherheitslcken anwenden. Wenn der Hack erfolgreich ist, waren ja per Definition die Daten nicht ordentlich geschtzt.

Das ist jetzt nur ein kleines Amtsgericht, insodern wird das sicher schnell wieder gekippt, das Urteil.

Ich sehe das ja genau so wie das Amtsgericht. Wenn man das hacken konnte, war es nicht gesichert. Freut mich sehr, dass der Herr Amtsrichter sich da nicht von Branchen-Blablah hat in die Irre fhren lassen, und zu Protokoll gab, dass der Kaiser keine Kleidung trgt.

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ConflictWatch Philippines Feed was generated at Eastern Asia ConflictWatch.

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