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ConflictWatch Indonesia Feed was generated at Eastern Asia ConflictWatch.

Wednesday, 02 August


Consider the Environment "IndyWatch Feed"

PC: Janelle Lugg (Getty_PNG Pomio) 

John Maine | The National | Letters | 1.08.2023

Papua New Guinea is blessed with a beautiful landmass with a wide range of virgin rainforest covering thousands of square kilometers. 

We are recognized as one of the top 10 largest rainforest countries in the world. But today, unlike some centuries back, the rainforest is slowly diminishing because of improper use. Our ancestors depended entirely on their rich and vast natural environment for survival. 

The moral and ethical values of treating the natural environment and its habitant were the paramount concerns in the past. They treated mother earth and the forest as their parents, Everyone knew what to get or do when going into the sea, forest or river, The knowledge of how to treat their surroundings was passed down from one to another.

Our ancestors developed different ideologies and belief systems towards our environment just to protect it from becoming endangered and for sustainability purposes. This helped our people to survive through the ages. 

However, today is not the same because our natural environment is slowly being degraded. We are witnessing an increase in population with the alarming impacts of climate change due to human activities,

The Western influences have taken all over our traditional survival knowledge and skills of our environment. The introduction of modern tools such as axes or fishing nets, our plants and animals of high value are taken down in large numbers without respecting and conserving them. Not only that but there is also an invasion of big logging and mining companies operating within the country without giving much attention to our beautiful rivers, forests, and animals that are interdepending on each other.

This act of carelessness has endangered a lot of our species to vanish without a trace. 

Thus, the beautiful and natural environment that our ancestors have been surviving on for many years is quickly fading. 

Regardless of the challenges, we can still save and preserve our environment. But it is only possible if we the people and the government are working together. 

Here are some suggestions; 

  • Responsible government authorities such as the Department of Environmental and Climate Change together wi......


Gender, entrepreneurship and coping during COVID-19: Indonesias GoFood merchants "IndyWatch Feed"

The COVID-19 pandemic affected businesses of all scales and types worldwide. However, little is known about the role and potential of online platforms in supporting micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) during such crises, particularly in emerging markets.

We recently investigated the performance and strategies deployed by MSMEs in Indonesia which use the digital application GoFood, an on-demand cooked food delivery service on the GoJek platform. In this blog, we summarise three key findings: women-owned businesses performance suffered more than men-owned; women entrepreneurs relied more on self-sufficiency as a coping strategy; and competition escalated, providing both threats and opportunities for MSMEs.

We find that women-owned businesses contracted substantially more during the pandemic. Specifically, they experienced an average decline in revenue of over 50%, compared to around 40% for men-led firms. They also witnessed a more pronounced decline in employee numbers (Figure 1). This disparity could be explained by potential differences in gender roles, responsibilities and socio-cultural norms, leading to a disproportionate impact on women entrepreneurs. For instance, women entrepreneurs often face additional challenges due to their role as caregivers, which could affect their ability and willingness to work long hours or pivot business models during the pandemic.

Figure 1: Employment distribution of firm size by gender of business owner (%) 2021 (a), 2020 (b) and 2019 (c)

MSMEs that experienced a significant reduction in their business operations were likely to adopt self-sufficiency or self-insurance measures to cope with the crisis. Women entrepreneurs were more likely than men to cut personal expenses, and tended to use personal savings rather than formal financial sources (for example, bank loans) due to the limited access to finance. As Figure 2 shows, 64% of women who owned businesses spent less on food and personal items, compared to 54% of male merchants.

Figure 2: Crisis mitigation strategies among GoFood merchants (%)

We also found that competition intensified sharply among merchants usin...

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